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Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps Travaini Ireland

Travaini EVO is an extremely versatile concept of compact Oil-sealed Liquid Ring Vacuum Package. Its modular design allows flexible solutions for variable required capacity.

Liquid ring vacuum pumps are devices that employ suction to move a volume in or out of an object. These pumps are easy to operate and are generally used in a variety of applications across different industries. For a liquid ring vacuum pump to work, it requires a sealant, which can either be oil, water, or any other liquid. The Working Principle of a Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump is that it has an impeller eccentrically-located to the vacuum pump’s housing (the cylinder body). Before starting a vacuum pump, it is imperative that the sealant is filled in the pump to more than a quarter of the cylinder’s volume. Sealants can be recirculated through the liquid ring pump on a closed-loop system, or discharged after initial use in the pump. When started, the pump’s impeller begins to sling the sealant, using centrifugal force, to the outer wall of the cylinder, creating a ring of liquid. Since impellers in liquid ring vacuum pumps are off-set from the body, some of them are fully immersed in the sealant while others are almost out of the sealant. The area or space void of the sealant is sealed off between the sealant and the blades of the impeller. When activated, the sealant recedes from the pump’s central hub, serving as a liquid piston to form a larger cell. This cell is the pump’s suction, drawing gases, vapors, or air through the inlet at the sides of the blades. Once the impeller cell has passed the inlet port, it moves towards the discharge port. At the same time, the sealant is forced to move towards the center of the impeller’s hub, creating compression. As the cell passes the discharge, the compression is too high. As a result, the gases plus some of the sealant are released to the atmosphere through the discharge port.

Liquid-ring pumps are used in many industries, including:

  • Electrical power

  • Chemical processing

  • Food and beverage

  • Brewing

  • Environmental

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Marine and mining

  • Oil and gas

  • Pulp and paper

  • Textiles

  • Aircraft

  • Power Generation


Application Areas:


In the production of bricks, roofing tiles, porcelain and technical ceramics, an important mark of quality is a product free of air pockets. When fired, ceramics containing such pockets can be destroyed in the kiln and, in extreme cases, can even cause the destruction of the entire batch. In bricks, this quality defect usually takes years to appear; during the winter, water penetrates the surface pores and causes them to burst.

  • Air removal from clay

After brick clay is loaded into the extruder, a vacuum serves to remove the air, thus preventing the formation of air pockets and the subsequent breakage of bricks. Similar to brick clay, ceramic clay is first placed in a mixer and pressurized with water or water vapor to form a homogeneous mixture. It is then transferred to an extruder where it is pressed into molds under high pressure. The material is then extruded to the proper length, dried and fired.

Oil & Gas

Safe, non-polluting gas and vapor management: vacuum and compressor systems can handle saturated inlet gas streams, explosive gas mixtures, dirty abrasive gas mixtures and unpredictable streams that change with process variables.

  • Vapor Recovery

In the oil & gas industry, vapor recovery is the process of recovering stock tank hydrocarbon vapors either in upstream production or downstream refining where the vapors are normally vented to atmosphere. Vapor recovery can be achieved by pulling vacuum and thus, compressing vapors from stock tanks. By using liquid ring pumps, Hexane vapors can be recovered, liquefied and then reused. Using a rotary vane compressor in this application or process includes separating the condensable gases via a separator and compressing the reclaimed gas into a sales line for distribution sales.

  • Flare Gas Recovery

Flare gas recovery can be described as the sewage system of a refinery or gas recovery at a production site. It is normally considered waste gas due to the composition of the gas. Since these are undesirable HC gases, these gases are generally sent to flare to be burned off.

Often times, there is usable, good-quality gas with some residual BTU's value being burned off. This gas, once separated, can be recovered and compressed from low-pressure compressors to large pipeline compressors. These normally reciprocating compressors ultimately compress the recovered gas to a gas plant for processing and may be used for cogeneration.

The process of "waste to energy" is applied here, as it is economical to recover the majority of the flared off gas and utilize it as a source of energy and revenue. Minimizing the flaring of gas is both an environmental and lost revenue issue and opportunity.

  • Field Gas Boosting

Field gas boosting is the process of boosting low-pressure gas from the wellhead to a high-pressure pipeline. The wellhead gas pressure, below atmospheric pressure or at a relatively low positive pressure, will require a vacuum pump or a low-pressure compressor to extract the gas and to boost it to 15 to 30 PSI above atmospheric pressure. A rotary-vane, or a liquid ring vacuum pump or compressor is used as the first stage. Any of these then deliver the gas to the second stage high-pressure compressor. The high-pressure compressor, usually a rotary-screw or reciprocating compressor, delivers the gas to a gas processing plant via a pipeline.

  • Fuel Gas Boosting

This application involves the utilization of a booster compressor to provide natural gas to a natural gas engine that may be utilized in the gas recovery or compression process.

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery

Enhanced oil recovery is an upstream process, which includes pulling a vacuum on an oil well to relieve pressure on the well. This allows the oil to flow more freely, increasing oil production. This application may also include associated gas, which is merely the inclusion or recovery of gas at the annulus of the well, with the oil being recovered and the separation of the oil/gas via a separator at the point of recovery, normally at the surface of the well.

  • Gas Gathering

This upstream process involves the vacuuming or compression of several wells, where the gas is gathered into a single manifold or a header bar. The process, usually completed with vacuum pumps and or low-pressure compressors, compresses the gas into high-pressure pipeline compressors, normally reciprocating compressors, to be taken to a gas plant for processing.


  • Coal-Bed Methane Gas Recovery

This application is found in coalmines where two forms of gas may be produced. One gas is from microorganisms feeding off the coal, and the other gas is from gas deposits in the mines. By drilling into the coalmines, and locating sufficient gas deposits, the gas can be recovered through vacuum, depending on suction and discharge pressures at the well head. The gas, once recovered by the low-pressure vacuum, is then compressed by high-pressure compressors to a pipeline for processing or used for cogeneration, etc.

Normally the methane gas recovered is very clean but significant quantities of liquids may be entrained in the gas. This gas is recovered for a number of uses, including cogeneration and gas plant processing for redistribution of sale.

Landfill Gas Recovery (Bio-Gas)

This application includes the recovering of gas resulting from the decomposition of waste materials, which are generally located in landfills. Agricultural waste is also subject to decomposition, and gas may also be recovered from the decomposition of this waste.

The process in a landfill is very basic in nature. In short, a hole is drilled in various points in a landfill site and perforated pipe is inserted into the drilled hole. A vacuum pump or, if above atmosphere pressure, a compressor is used to compress the gas and to deliver it to a natural gas engine used to drive a generator. In turn, this gas is used to generate electricity. The gas may also be used to feed boilers or furnaces. It may even be cleaned up, and the dirty gases removed to sell for industrial plants, etc.

Digester Gas Recovery (Bio-Gas)

Human or industrial waste material is treated by depositing it into a sludge or holding tank for decomposition. By using a compressor to compress the gas into a sparging unit piped into the tank, the gas serves to provide heat and to agitate the slurry, keeping it in suspension, and also activating the bugs to eat the decomposed material or sludge. A compressor is also used to recover this gas and to compress it to a natural gas engine, which is used to drive a generator to produce electricity for cogeneration or to feed boilers, furnaces, etc.

  • Tank Cars Unloading

This application involves the unloading of tank cars containing liquid such as butane, propane, etc. A rotary vane compressor is connected via a four-way valve with the sphere, rail tank car, and unloading KO drum. Initially the compressor takes the vapors from the sphere and pressurizes the tank cars, forcing the liquid from the tank car to the storage sphere. Once the unloading of liquid is complete from rail cars to the sphere, the vapor recovery begins by opening of the four-way valve towards the tank car and removing residual vapors and vaporize any remained liquid from the rail tank car until slight negative pressure of -1 psig is achieved. The rail tank cars are then blanketed with inert gas and returned for reloading with butane or propane.


Degassing, drying, conveying - vacuum technology is used in a variety of processes in the plastics industry.

  • Extruder degassing

During processing, thermoplastics are melted in an extruder and degassed in the extruder's screw section.

A vacuum is used to extract gaseous and vaporous components from the melt. All low-molecular substances are extracted to obtain optimal quality thermoplastic with a smoother surface, more strength, better insulating properties and a lower off gassing rate.

  • Calibrating table (profiling)

Plastic material that has been melted and degassed in the extruder is processed into continuous profiles on the calibrating table. Typically, these profiles are made into pipes or various technical profiles for windows, cable ducts, medical tubing, etc.

The plastic material is suctioned into a negative mold. For cooling and lubrication purposes, a film of water is generated between the inside of the mold and the continuous work piece and is steadily extracted by the vacuum pump.

  • EPS foaming

For the production of EPS blocks and molded parts, pre-expanded polystyrene beads are first blown into a mold by a side-channel blower and then pressurized with steam. Finally, they are polymerized and "baked" into molded parts. To prevent deformations during this process - which can easily take up to 3 to 4 minutes for large blocks - the parts must be cooled. A vacuum applied to these parts ensures that they retain their shape and that the water evaporates in a flash. Heat produced by the evaporation process is drawn out of the workpiece, thereby speeding up cooling.

  • Drying

Before pellets are further processed in an extruder, a pneumatic conveyor (see below) transports them to a dryer through which warm air is circulated from a closed-circuit system. The air in the dryer absorbs moisture from the pellets, which is then evacuated to the outside by means of a hygroscopic agent. Periodically, the drying agent itself must have hot air blown through it in order to regenerate it.

  • Pneumatic conveying systems

At various stages in the production process, plastic pellets must be transported from one place to another (for example, from the silo to the dryer). This process can be automated and accelerated with a pneumatic conveying system. A pipeline is run from the starting point to the destination and connected to a vacuum pump or compressor.

The air in the pipeline is "loaded" with the material to be conveyed - comparable to a strong wind which, depending on its velocity, can stir up leaves or at hurricane strength, can even tear the roofs off houses. Depending on the bulk weight of the material and length of the pipeline, the system is designed so that the vacuum pump (vacuum conveying) or compressor (pressure conveying) generates enough air speed to pick up the material and convey it to its destination without depositing it in the pipeline.

Because pneumatically conveying plastic pellets results in a lot of dust, a filter system is also recommended.

  • Extraction and compression of vinyl chloride gas

During the production of PVC, liquid vinyl chloride is polymerized under pressure in the autoclave to form polymerized PVC. The gaseous monomers that are also produced are then pumped out, compressed and liquefied.


  • Crude Oil Vacuum Distillation

Crude oil is generally processed to produce gasoline and other Hydrocarbon fuels via either atmospheric or vacuum distillation in refineries.

This application involves applying a vacuum to a crude oil distillation column. The combination of heat and vacuum separates the crude oil into different components based on their boiling temperature. Its purpose is to enhance the recovery of the lighter components, such as gasoline. Vacuum distillation is more energy efficient than the atmospheric distillation tower.

  • Vent Gas Compression

Non-condensable light Hydrocarbon gases from the crude distillation tower and other refinery vents are collected in a common header and piped to either flare or vent gas compressors. These compressors compress vent gases that have some fuel value (BTU'S) up to the desired discharge pressure and burn to recover the energy. Often the payback period is very short and recovery of vent gas very desirable environmentally.

  • Vapor Recovery/Gas Boosting

This application differs from vent gas recovery in that the vapors recovered are of a relatively fixed composition rather than a variable mixture. A typical application is capturing gases vented from storage tanks. The depth of vacuum is closely controlled in order to protect the storage tanks. Usually the discharge pressure is relatively low. Often these gases are returned to the process, or are liquefied and returned to the storage tanks.

  • Chlorine Compression

In this application, chlorine gas is recovered and compressed. The seal liquid is concentrated (> 96%) sulfuric acid. Materials used must be compatible with this highly dangerous gas and seal liquid.

  • Hydrogen Compression

This application involves the recovery of hydrogen gas. The low molecular weight of hydrogen and its explosive nature create challenges.

  • Vacuum Filtration

In this application, the moisture from the filtrate receiver of a rotary vacuum filter is collected and fed back into the system. If a plant upset occurs, such as the failure of the filtrate pump, slugs of liquid can carry over into the vacuum system. Soft solids from the filter can also enter the vacuum system. In both cases, the liquid and soft solids will not damage the liquid ring vacuum pump, improving the overall reliability of the vacuum filtration system. A variety of seal liquids compatible with the process vapors may be selected in order to minimize contamination of gases extracted during the filtration process.

  • Solvent Recovery

The vacuum system is used in a batch process to recover solvents through evaporation at a maximum sustainable rate. During later portions of the cycle, a compatible seal liquid can be used to extract residual solvents.

  • Vinyl Chloride Monomer

In the monomer recovery system, unreacted vinyl chloride is transferred into a holding tank. The vacuum system scavenges gas out of the PVC and delivers it to the compressor at or near atmospheric pressure. A single stage compressor system then compresses the gas for condensation and storage as a pressurized liquid.


All products used in medical equipment must meet the strictest requirements for reliability, quality and service.

  • Steam Sterilizers

Sterilization of various devices and equipment is a vital necessity in all medical practices, hospitals, laboratories and pharmaceutical facilities. Sterilizers run through 3 distinct cycles

Air serves as an isolation layer and prevents the hot steam from actually coming into direct contact with the objects to be sterilized - which is why it must be extracted from the vessel. For fractionation, air pressure is reduced to 100 mbar (27"HgV) and hot steam is then injected. This procedure is repeated 3 to 4 times.

Steam is injected into the vessel at a pressure of 2 to 3 bar (30-45 psi) and a temperature of 121 to 134°C (250 to 275°F) and kills all the germs. The vacuum pump does not run during sterilization.

When the actual sterilization is complete, the vacuum pump expels the air from the vessel until a final vacuum of 50 mbar (28.5"HgV) is created, thus drying the sterilized objects.

  • Respiratory Devices

Respiratory devices for patients with lung disease are equipped with our smallest gas ring blowers. They compress the air for breathing, then filter the air, and enrich it with oxygen or medication if so desired. A valve serves to regulate the patient's respiratory pressure as a function of his breathing cycle and treatment.

  • Air Beds

Air beds are used for bedridden patients at risk for bedsores (decubitus ulcers). The use of air can bring about a distinct improvement in patients. Skin dries and heals better with an air-permeable mattress. At the same time, inflating individual air chambers while deflating others varies the pressure on the skin, thus helping prevent bedsores.

Through the selective raising and lowering of different areas, air beds can also help position the patient for treatment and personal care.

  • Protective Suits

Whenever there is a risk of breathing in contaminated respiratory air, protective suits can help guard against infections. An overpressure is generated and piped into the suit via the appropriate tubes, thus preventing germs from penetrating the suit if it is not completely air-tight.

  • Dentistry

Vacuum systems are used in almost all dental therapies to draw off saliva, secretions, tooth material and cooling water. Both central and decentralized vacuum systems are used.

Gas ring blowers generate a vacuum in the suction tube and in the cuspidor next to the dental chair to suction away saliva, tooth material and other biological substances.

  • Central Vacuum Systems

Hospitals and outpatient surgical clinics use central vacuum systems to suction the fluids produced by operations. A separator in the vicinity of the surgical unit then separates coarse and fine particles and disposes of them properly. Because space near the surgical unit is often limited, the vacuum system can also be installed at a greater distance.

  • Packaging

Many processes performed in the packaging industry can be automated with the aid of vacuum or compression:

  1. Inflating bags to insert goods

  2. Opening bags and sacks by suction

  3. Transporting packaging materials and products

  4. Affixing labels and packaging components to which glue has been applied

  5. Boxing: lifting cardboard boxes from a stack by means of vacuum grippers and assembling them

  • Vacuum Packaging & Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)

The shelf life of perishable foods can be extended by eliminating the oxygen. In the simplest case, the product is placed in a pouch and the air is evacuated. However, the surrounding pressure exerts a mechanical influence on the product that can greatly alter the external shape.

For this reason, the MAP process has been the method of choice in many application areas. In this process, products are packaged in modified atmosphere and the oxygen removed. The product is enclosed in a blister package, placed in the vacuum chamber and evacuated. The modified atmosphere is then injected and the blister package and food are sealed with a protective film. Using this method, the food retains its original shape and meats present a suitably red appearance to customers, even after extended storage.

  • Production of PET Containers

Although the production of PET bottles is part of the packaging industry, the processes correspond to those in the plastics industry. Vacuum technology is used as follows:

  1. Pellet drying

  2. Pellet conveying

  3. Extruder degassing

  4. Injection molding of preforms

  5. Preform removal and handling

  6. Preform drying

  7. Blow molding of bottles

  8. Plasma treatment to deposit a barrier layer

  9. Pneumatic conveying of bottles

  10. Filling

  11. Labeling

  12. Packeting and palleting

  13. Recycling



Because of the special mechanical and specific properties of paper, many operations can be performed only with the aid of vacuum or compression.

  • Paper Cutter Table

An air cushion makes it easier to move and straighten stacks of paper when cutting. For this purpose, small nozzles are built into the table surface and sealed with spring loaded spheres. The weight of the paper stack pressing down on these spheres opens up the nozzles and releases compressed air under the paper.

  • Screen Printers

During the screen printing process, the blower on the vacuum table generates a vacuum that holds the sheets of paper in place so they can't shift during printing.

  • Powdering on Printing Presses

Immediately after printing, the still wet sheets of paper are dusted with powder to prevent the fresh ink from smearing and keep the sheets from sticking together. A vacuum pump serves to spray the powder through an injector and apply it to the paper.

  • Turning Bars and Tables

For double-sided printing, paper webs must be turned on suitable bars or tables. This is done by blowing air through a perforated pipe to generate an air cushion. The paper web can then glide across this cushion without making contact with any surface. When printing is finished, a similar air cushion ensures that the printed paper webs can be air-dried and then stacked without smearing the still wet ink.

  • Central Systems

Many processes in the printing procedure require vacuum or compression, including printing, folding, collating, binding, trimming, packaging and labeling. It is not necessary to provide a vacuum pump for each individual production machine. A central vacuum system generates the vacuum required by all the individual processes, thus saving space in the production area and reducing employee's exposure to noise and heat.

Using several compressors in a central system allows maintenance work to be performed without interrupting production because the other compressors in the system can take over for the deactivated machines. In addition, an optimal, cost-effective utilization of the central system can be achieved by selectively switching the individual compressors off and on.

  • Book Binding Machines

Automatic book binding machines are made up of a combination of many individual machines, each incorporating different vacuum applications. Compressed air helps transport books or parts of books via suction rollers and to press on the spines after glue has been applied. Vacuum pumps and compressors are also used to dry the glue and blow away waste paper.

  • Digital Printing " High-Performance Copiers

During the reproduction or copy process, the blower on the vacuum table generates a vacuum that holds the negatives or sheets of paper in place so they can't shift during printing.

Electrical Power

  • Condenser Exhausting

Condenser exhausting involves the removal of air and other non-condensable gases from the steam space of power plant condensers. The purpose of removing these gases is to maintain the lowest possible turbine backpressure. The equipment used for this application is crucial to the efficient operation of thermal and nuclear power plants.

  • Geothermal Gas Removal

Similar in application to condenser exhausting, geothermal gas removal involves the removal of air and other non-condensable gases from the steam space of the condensers. However, in geothermal power plants, the steam used to drive the turbine is extracted from the earth and contains large amounts of corrosive gases. The gases must be removed from the condenser in the most efficient manner possible.

  • Vacuum Priming

In this application, vacuum pumps are used to maintain a siphon in power plant cooling water systems. Maintaining a siphon allows cooling water circulating pumps to maintain design cooling water flows with minimum power consumption. Single stage liquid ring pump packages, often supplied with priming valves, are ideal for this application because they prevent ingesting of water slugs into the pumps.

  • Fly Ash Conveying

This application consists of pneumatically conveying fly ash from the precipitator hoppers to a central dry collection point under vacuum. The main advantage of this type of conveying system is that since the ash is being conveyed under vacuum, any leakage is of air inward, and not ash outward.

  • Flue Gas Desulphurization

When flue gas is scrubbed to remove sulfur compounds, an aqueous slurry results. It is advantageous to remove the water from the slurry and handle only the solid material. This is done using vacuum filters.

  • Turbine Gland Exhausting

Steam turbines employ a gland to seal the shaft against inward air leakage. These glands are sealed with steam. In order for them to function as designed, excess steam and condensate must continuously be removed.

  • Vacuum Deaeration

Boiler makeup must be deaerated prior to being introduced into the system. This is sometimes done in a vessel called a deaerator. A vacuum is pulled on the vessel and the makeup water is passed through it to remove all dissolved gases prior to introducing it to the system.

  • Condenser Initial Evacuation (Hogging)

In order to start a thermal power plant, a condenser must be brought from atmospheric pressure to vacuum. In some systems, requirements preclude the use of the condenser exhauster to perform this job. In these cases, a separate vacuum device is used.


  • Steel Degassing

Sterilization of various devices and equipment is a vital necessity in all medical practices, hospitals, laboratories and pharmaceutical facilities.

Before casting, liquid pig iron contains undesirable large quantities of gases such as nitrogen and oxygen. In the degasification process, the liquid pig iron is either cast in a vacuum container where the gases are extracted, or a vacuum lance is used to pump down the contained gases.

Steam jets serve as the vacuum producer because of the large gas quantities. For cost savings, liquid ring vacuum pumps are sometimes used in conjunction with steam jets.


There are various applications that utilize vacuum pumps to improve environment. Aeration is one very necessary function in many environmental applications.

For example, vacuum pumps can be used in the following processes:

  • Compression of gases

  • Collection of materials

  • Aeration


  • Wastewater Disposal

The suction pressure necessary for removing wastewater and cleaning sewer networks is provided by vacuum pumps. The contaminants in the wastewater are sucked in and can be flushed out periodically by means of pumps.

  • Digester Gas Compression

Liquid ring pumps draw the digester gas off the top of the digester and recirculate it to improve mixing and rate of reaction. The pump's operating liquid cools the digester gas by absorbing the heat of compression, thus providing an almost isothermal mode of operation. This has a positive effect on the service life of downstream valves, gas burners and motors, and it reduces maintenance costs. The cooling function of the operating liquid simultaneously acts as a flame arrester and reduces expenditures for explosion protection. The contaminated raw gas is also cleaned in the water ring as though in a gas scrubber and is partially dried. The gas is thus oxygenated and returned to the wastewater treatment process.

  • Vacuum Priming

Wastewater can be reliably collected, conveyed and disposed of for entire residential areas utilizing liquid ring pumps as part of a vacuum priming system. With high vacuum capability, wastewater is easily transported, even uphill.

  • Biogas Production

The biomass produced in activated sludge tanks and clarifying tanks is stabilized in the digestion tower and used to produce biogas. A thorough mixing of the sludge increases the gas yields and reduces its retention time in the reactor. In the process, the gas is withdrawn from the upper part of the digestion tower, compressed in the compressor and reintroduced through the nozzles at the bottom.

  • Wastewater Purification/Oxygenation of Activated Sludge Tanks

To reduce the space requirements and costs of wastewater treatment plants, a growing number of activated sludge tanks are being set up. The introduction of oxygen is extremely important for purifying wastewater. Compressors from our supply the compression pressure required for maximum oxygen yield. For small, decentralized or mobile plants, the gas ring blowers are the most cost-effective solution.

  • Fish and Prawn Pond Aeration

Blowing air into commercial fish ponds greatly improves the quality of life for the fish. The water's oxygen content can be substantially increased using gas ring blowers or liquid ring pumps, which in turn increases the number of fish that can be kept in a pond twofold or even threefold. Heat generated by the blower or pump also aids in pond temperature control. In this process, air is drawn from the atmosphere and forced through an inlet into the tube aerator. It is then diffused into the water through tiny openings and rises in fine bubbles. The oxygen in the water causes the fish to grow and multiply more rapidly and significantly increases the yield.

In facilities management, two applications that utilize our products are drying and the extraction of oxygen.

Another important application is the use of vacuum pumps in central vacuum systems. The vacuum pump is used in the system to keep the workplace free of dust and other particulate matter, which could cause a building to be diagnosed as a sick building.

  • Drying of Flooring

The curing of concrete slab flooring requires large quantities of water. Therefore, floor coverings and wallpaper cannot be installed until the building materials have dried sufficiently. Although it was once common practice to let a house "dry out", time constraints have made this natural method impractical. The drying process is much faster and more efficient when dehumidifiers are used, and the installation of condensate dryers quickly pays for itself.

To dry the flooring, two inch (50 mm) holes are drilled into the insulation layer. A gas ring blower introduces dry air into the damp insulating area via a hose system. This dry air picks up the moisture and the pressure created causes the humidified air to flow out at the flooring edges or via the appropriate relief holes. Condensate or absorption dryers are set up in the room to take in moist air and to dry it out.

  • Corrosion Protection for Water Lines

In high rises and large buildings, the water lines inside the building must be protected against corrosion. This can be done using a membrane procedure that takes advantage of the fact that deoxygenated water corrodes metal much less than untreated water.

The water flows through an oxygen-permeable membrane that is enclosed in a vacuum. The vacuum then diffuses the oxygen through the membrane, thereby removing it from the water. The liquid ring pump that generates this vacuum also bleeds off the oxygen/air mixture created by the diffusion process.

  • Central Vacuum Cleaner Systems

As anyone with allergies knows, traditional vacuum cleaners are better at stirring up the dirt than they are at vacuuming it, nor do they provide any real filtering.

A central vacuum cleaner system - one in which the vacuum unit and filter are installed in the building's basement and every room has an opening for attaching the vacuum hose located next to an electrical outlet - can efficiently and quietly vacuum up dust and allergenic substances via piping.

Many processes in the food and beverage industry can be optimized by the use of vacuum technology.

vacuum pumps are used to lift and hold objects, and then release the object - a process that can be found in all modern finishing facilities.

In addition, vacuum pumps are used to remove air during food packaging. This extends the shelf life of the food, and also eliminates odors.

  • Milking Systems

Milking cows by machine has become a standard procedure. The vacuum required to do the job can vary greatly depending on the number of cows to be milked. The entire milking procedure must be completed within two hours. In addition to transporting the milk, the vacuum used in these milking systems performs other tasks as well, such as attaching onto the udder and holding the weight of the milking claw assembly to the teat.

  • Bottle Filling Machines in Breweries

When beer is bottled, its residual oxygen content of 0.1 mg/l must be kept as low as possible and no more than 0.03 mg/l of oxygen may be absorbed. To this end, breweries employ two different methods, either singly or in combination:

Bottles are flushed with CO2 and filled with beer via a long-tube filler. In this case, the filler tube is inserted into the bottle and the bottle is flushed with carbon dioxide before actually being filled with beer. This method consumes a relatively large amount of CO2.

Bottles are evacuated and then flushed with CO2. This method greatly reduces carbon dioxide consumption because most of the oxygen is already extracted.

By reducing seal liquid consumption, the systems offer clear advantages over other liquid ring pumps. Annual running costs can be reduced by up to $30,000, depending on the pump model.

  • Systems for Cleaning Fish and Mollusks

Before any further processing can take place, fish and mollusks must be gutted and cleaned. Worktables are outfitted with suitable vacuum nozzles that extract the entrails from the fish. A central vacuum system then pipes the combination of liquid and coarse particles through a filter where they are separated for proper disposal.

Because such systems are often accommodated directly in supermarkets and large shopping centers, the pumps used must run quietly and require relatively little time and effort to install.

  • Salmon Cleaning Machines

The food industry employs processes similar to those described above to automatically extract the entrails from salmon. Operating at a rate of only 3 seconds per fish, the quantity of material to be processed is enormous. The resulting waste products consisting of saltwater, fats, proteins and fish remains are extracted by means of a gas ringblower located beside the salmon cleaning machine.

For food industry applications such as these, we also offer specially designed gas ring blowers with painted housing interiors, valves equipped with Nirosta springs and other special features.

  • Poultry Processing

Even the weighing and portioning of foods produces waste products that must be disposed of quickly and automatically. A weigh station for chicken breast fillets in which individual portions are transported by belt weighers and sorted into weight groups produces liquid waste as well as fat and small fibers. A vacuum pump extracts this waste and passes it on for proper disposal.

  • Chocolate Production

During the production of chocolate eggs, vacuum is used in several production sections to hold the eggs in place and/or lift them up. The vacuum system is installed in a separate room and suck the air-conditioned air from the production line. The vacuum at the machine is maintained at a constant pressure of 300 mbar abs.

For production facilities operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, a high degree of reliability is absolutely essential, while maintenance requirements must also be kept to a minimum.

  • Dairy Processing

On a yogurt filling machine, the vacuum pump serves to position the lids on five pre-filled yogurt containers simultaneously. Suction cups on the machine grip the lids, separate them and move them into the correct positions.

Liquid ring vacuum pumps operate without oil and, because they have their own closed water circuit, they don't need to be connected to the water supply. In addition to low noise emission, these vacuum systems require very little maintenance.

  • Deaeration of Mineral Water

Mineral water from natural springs contains carbonic acid, minerals and iron. The iron dissolved in the water oxidizes when it comes into contact with the air, giving the water an unpleasant taste. The water needs to be deferrized at a pressure of about 50 mbar, but first a vacuum pump is required to remove the carbonation and then reintroduce it to produce sparkling water.

  • Deodorizing of Salad Oils and Fats

Prolonged exposure to air gives salad oils and fats an unpleasant odor and flavor. Before they can be processed further, these oxidation products must be removed. This is accomplished by injecting steam, which absorbs the odor and flavor particles created, and then extracting the steam with a vacuum.

  • Sterilization of Tea and Spices

Tea and spices imported from tropical regions are shipped in bales, which very often contain pests, insects, fungi and bacteria that must be destroyed before further processing can occur. This is done by placing the bales in vacuum containers and extracting the air. The bales are then injected with steam or a sterilized gas.

  • Sausage Production

To produce sausage, a meat mixture is chopped into small pieces and mixed with spices and other additives. Extracting air during the chopping and mixing processes can help prevent the mixture from oxidizing, which would have a negative effect on the sausage's flavor and appearance. The air is evacuated by means of a vacuum of about 100 mbar. The pump used must be insensitive to the meat particles and liquids that are also extracted.

  • Ham Production

Today, you will rarely find ham that has been dried and smoked in a genuine fireplace. Instead, ham is soaked in a curing solution, which penetrates the meat more quickly and directly after the air is extracted from the pores.

  • Humidification of Tobacco

Tobacco packed in bales is so brittle that without proper humidification, it would crumble into dust when processed further. A vacuum pump extracts the air from the bales and replaces it with steam, sometimes supplemented with aromatic substances.


  • Condenser Exhausting

Condenser exhausting involves the removal of air and other non-condensable gases from the steam space of power plant condensers. The purpose of removing these gases is to maintain the lowest possible turbine backpressure. This equipment is crucial onboard commercial ships.


  • Central Vacuum Priming

In this application, vacuum pumps are used to maintain a prime in bilge and transfer pump systems. Maintaining a prime allows onboard bilge pumps to maintain quick efficient start up. When several different services, for example, wash water and bilge water, are to be primed by the same vacuum system, each has its own priming valve. This prevents cross contamination.

Low Pressure Ship Service Air Compressor

The low-pressure ship service air compressor is a reliable, oil-free, low-pressure instrument which supplies deck air wherever required. This same type of system can supply oil-free breathing air where person must work wearing protective clothing.


  • Turbine Gland Exhausting

Steam turbines employ a gland to seal the shaft against inward air leakage. These glands are sealed with steam. In order for them to function as designed, excess steam and condensate must continuously be removed.

Condenser Initial Evacuation (hogging)

In order to start a thermal power plant, a condenser must be brought from atmospheric pressure to vacuum. In some systems, requirements preclude the use of the condenser exhauster to perform this job. In these cases, a separate vacuum device is used.


Whether extracting alumina from bauxite, iron ore, phosphate, copper, titanium dioxide or coal, some generic applications like.


  • Vacuum Filtration

Liquid ring vacuum pumps are well known for cake dewatering on disc, drum, belt, and precoat filter applications.

  • Multiple Effect Evaporators

The final effect is typically under vacuum. Liquid ring vacuum pumps are used to remove the non-condensibles in order to maintain the proper vacuum level in this effect.

  • Waste Gas Recovery

Liquid ring vacuum compressors are used to recover CO and other waste gases produced in smelting and other similar operations.

  • Methane Gas Extraction

Methane gas accumulation in underground coal mining is dangerous. Explosions and resultant loss of life can and has occurred.


Pharmaceutical manufacturers are of four different types or combinations of bulk products, intermediate products, active ingredients and FDA approved drug products. Bulk pharmaceuticals and intermediates are often made by fine chemical companies.

The following vacuum applications are used to make the above products:

  • Drying (Tray, Rotary, Tumble, Conical & Freeze Dryers)

Drying is a low cost, relatively low temperature process where the biological or active ingredient is not harmed/degraded/oxidized by pulling vacuum to evaporate liquids from the solids. Pharmaceutical/Biological products are dried to remove solvents, water, etc. and typically require a vacuum below 1 torr in the final drying stage. The remaining cake is granulated, blended and pressed into pills. The low residual moisture levels make the product useful for longer term storage.

  • Recreations/Reactors Drying

Reactors are used in fine chemical, pharmaceutical and fragrance industries. The vacuum is used to reduce/control the temperature of the reaction, remove reacted products, reduce cost, control/improve product quality and recapture product.

There is a wide array of chemical reactions suitable for using dry pump technology. These include: pharmaceutical intermediates, chemical reactions for neutralization and adsorption, stripping/cracking of hydrocarbons and other chemicals, synthesis of chemical compounds.

  • Distillation

Distillation is the separation of two or more distinct layers or zones, which differ in temperature, pressure, composition or phase state. As the tower moves to equilibrium, each zone will have a different concentration and thus, can be separated from the original mixture. Simply put, the distillation column provides an atmosphere where each liquid component can separate from another by changing the vacuum and temperature.

The vacuum system removes the non-condensable load, water and light ends from the system allowing the feedstock to be processed through the column to achieve separation. The gas removed from the top of the tower is condensed and the liquids are reintroduced into the tower for further separation. Typically used on fatty acids, monoglycerides, vitamins (A,E), oils, esters, paraffins, insecticides, plasticizers, etc.

  • Degassing

Degassing is the removal of dissolved/trapped gases in a liquid or product. Vacuum allows the vapor to be removed from the liquid improving the physical characteristic, improving the product for further processing and avoiding cross contamination or corrosion.

The following is a brief list of applications:

  • Degassing oils to improve purity (hydrocarbon oil, transformer oil, turbine oil, brake fluid, hydraulic brake oil, etc.)

  • Degassing glues, pastes, paints to remove unwanted gases that would harden or degrade the product

  • Degassing polymers in an extruder to obtain a higher quality product or bubble free sheet

  • Degassing water for medical, food and boilers

  • Crystallization/Evaporation

Crystallization is accomplished by evaporation and cooling of a supersaturated liquid to form crystals. These crystals are easy to handle, store, and are sold in this finished form. Our vacuum pumps are ideal to control the evaporation/cooling rates across all pressure ranges to reduce production cost by lowering the boiling point of the liquid.

Several applications include:

  • Concentrating: Desalination, Sewage, radioactive waste, black liquor, sugar, sugar beets

  • Recovering plating materials, photographic solutions

  • Producing Ammonium nitrate, sodium hydroxide, etc.

  • Crystallizing sugar, salt, naphthalene, aniline, Urea, Gypsum, Potash, amino acids, penicillin, and antibiotics


  • Sublimation

Sublimation is a process whereby a solid is transformed to a gas phase without going through the liquid phase. This allows for the removal of excess material without creating a degraded condition for the end product. The process is used in freeze drying, optical products, laboratory, etc. The vacuum system rapidly cycles and sublimes the material and exhausts the material into a controlled environment where it will turn to a solid.

  • Filling and/or Transfer of Material

Creams and pastes require removal of air when filling tubes, etc. This is accomplished with small liquid ring pumps or rotary vane pumps located on the filling machine. Liquid transfer occurs by using a vacuum pump to fill the tank and then discharge it via a compressor.


  • Wood

Impregnation is a process in which a liquid is soaked into raw, untreated wood on a cellular level. Sharp metal teeth are sunk into the debarked wood for maximum penetration of the treatment. Large amounts of this incised wood are put into pressure treatment tanks (autoclaves). The autoclave fills with the impregnating agent, and positive pressure is induced on the wood, pushing the air out and liquid into the cell lumens (openings). The insides of the cells are of much less pressure than the liquid in the tank, so the liquid rushes into each cell of the wood. The liquid can impart hydrophobic properties, dust wicking, combustion reaction rate, and grain saturation. The hydrophobic properties protect the wood from rotting due to high humidity. The dust wicking prevents the adhesion of dirt on wood, making for easier cleaning if used for flooring or furniture. Some impregnating agents, like boric phenol formaldehyde resin, impart a higher mechanical strength and better combustion performance. Others are dyes that “underline the grain” of the wood, which is sometimes the most marketable aspect of the wood. Besides colorants and protectants, pesticides can also be included and applied to the wood. After spending time in a pressurized agent bath, the wood has been impregnated with such properties. The tank relieves pressure and imparts negative pressure to suction all excess chemical that is left in the tank and on the surface of the wood.

Vacuum lamination is using pressure to hold thin adhesive and resin-coated laminate material together until the adhesive sets. This can be used to bend, stack, decorate, or protect wooden pieces. Vacuum lamination involves placing the materials on a table. This table will be curved as needed if the material is to be bent. The materials, or laminate, are sealed within an airtight envelope in a bag. A vacuum pump pulls all of the air out of the bag. This vacuum is maintained, anywhere between 12-25” Hg over time. The pressure differential between the atmosphere outside of the bag and the deep vacuum within the bag causes the atmosphere to press on the laminate with a force equal to the large pressure differential multiplied by the surface area of the laminate. This method makes traditional wood veneer manufacturing much easier to complete in particular.

CNC machining is very common in the woodworking industry. Between the drills, lathes, and mills, the wood or wooden materials need to be held still. A small movement from an operator holding the piece in place or a small screw loosening from a clamp can drastically affect the machining process and the results that follow. In addition to this, cutting wood creates a lot of sawdust, which is dangerous to breathe in and needs to be cleaned off of the woodwork. Vacuum tables have been developed for this reason. The machining table is perforated, with a strong vacuum pulling on the wooden material sitting on top of it. This holds the material securely in place as it is being cut, leaving much less room for error.

TRV SERIES - Single Stage Liquid Ring Pumps


TRS SERIES - High Capacity Single Stage Liquid Ring Pumps


TRM SERIES - Close-coupled Motor Mounted Single Stage Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps


TRH SERIES - Double Stage Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps

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